Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Signature of the Week [2]

Name of Signature
No name...


Nothing really, I just seem to have gotten this font form dafont and it looks really nice so I went in search of a really gothic render and made a signature out of it. I love the outcome too. It's my best work yet I think =3

Directed at who?
No one at all, cause it's MY signature =P

Amount of time to make it?
About an hour.

Anything else?
Yes, if your comp is frozen, you might not see it, but the words on this signature actually has a shine effect. A nice photoshoppin' skill that I prefer more often than most cause it's easy and it looks really cool ^^


Rock said...

i like this one alot i wondered how you did the background XD share your secret wif me =P

Maia said...

XD the power of brushes hun as well as duplicating and overlaying the render and stretch it so that the render's color fills the background.